Planning a home renovation?
Choose eco-friendly tiles!

4 JUNE 2024 | by SEC & Heritage Ceramics
Planning a home renovation? Choose eco-friendly tiles!

Sustainability is more than a trend; it is an important commitment that permeates every aspect of our lives.

Environment concerns are prompting more consumers to make eco-conscious decisions. For instance, opting for clothing made from sustainable materials (e.g., recycled and organic cotton). However, when it comes to purchasing new apartments or renovating their homes, consumers may often overlook whether the materials or furnishings they use are environmentally friendly.

In this article, we will explore tiles, which are essential building materials that form the basis of our living spaces. Continue reading to explore why choosing eco-friendly tiles is crucial for your home.

  • Understanding the Environmental Impact of Tile Production
    It is first crucial to recognise the negative environmental impact that traditional tile production has on the planet.

    1. Extraction of Raw Materials
      The extraction of raw materials for tile production is a significant contribution to environmental degradation. This process demands substantial labour and energy, resulting in high carbon dioxide emissions. Moreover, the extraction process can lead to soil erosion and water pollution, disrupting fragile ecosystems and harming wildlife habitats.
    2. Manufacturing Process
      The tile manufacturing process is energy-intensive, mainly due to kiln firing. Kiln firing releases significant amounts of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Furthermore, some factories may utilise toxic chemicals and glazes, contributing to air and water pollution.

  • The Role of Eco-Friendly Tiles
    Eco-friendly tiles are produced to mitigate environmental impacts. With sustainable practices established, it will help to minimize energy consumption, reduce CO2 emissions, and avoid harmful chemicals. By choosing eco-friendly tiles, homeowners can significantly reduce their environmental footprint.

  • The Singapore Green Label Scheme (SGLS)
    To help consumers identify environmentally preferred products, the SGLS provides a reliable certification system. The SGLS is a Type 1 Ecolabel, independently verified by third parties based on life cycle considerations.

    It addresses the primary environmental impacts of a product and sets strict limits for compliance to ensure sustainability. For a product to be certified under the SGLS, it must fulfil the specific requirements defined for its business category.

    Explore more here:

  • How to Choose Eco-Friendly Tiles
    How can we recognise eco-friendly tiles? You may take proactive steps during your purchase:

    1. Consult the sales representatives to confirm if the tiles are green-label certified
    2. Conduct research before making a purchase! A quick online search can help verify the sustainability practices of the tile manufacturer

    It is important to note that tiles in retail shops are often sourced from various manufacturers, and not all may be green-certified! Therefore, it is important to check beforehand before making a purchase.

  • Example of a Green Tile Manufacturer
    Heritage Ceramics Pte Ltd is one of the pioneers in sustainable tile manufacturing within Singapore. It has recognised the negative impacts of tile production processes and took proactive steps to mitigate them. Heritage Ceramics’ products are certified under SGLS, demonstrating its unwavering commitment to environmentally friendly practices.

    Learn more at:

  • The Power of Consumer Demand
    While businesses prioritise sustainability, there needs to be a demand for eco-conscious products to drive meaningful change. How?

    By saying “NO” to unethical manufacturing processes, you can help encourage more companies to prioritise sustainable practices. This will shift the market towards positive environmental impact!

    There are numerous eco-friendly and aesthetically pleasing tiles in the market, and it is up to us to make informed choices. Let’s all play a part in safeguarding our planet for generations to come by opting for eco-friendly upgrades in our homes.